Monday, December 9, 2019

from Cali to Utah before lunch: stopping for gas and grub at the Last Report Gas Farm and Fish Bait

When you see that slink along the way, why, you stand at attention and say "God Bless America!"

And it was built in Canada, but that's just details.  And that seemed to be a quality build, too, incidentally.

The underlying platform had gone through a lot of changes through the decades, beginning with the 1965 LTD, going through the later variation called the Panther platform that went defunct while I worked at the discount store.  NASCAR even tried to hold onto the platform, too, for a long time.

As we say in the final analysis, the heart wants what it wants, and lacks the wisdom to defend its choices.

Gather up ye handfuls while ye may, with seating space measured in an SI unit called a "Natalie Portman", which is proportional to lap space, a unit of measurement defined by Swedish nerds.

The spring is deep; drink your fill.

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