Saturday, March 28, 2020

But not to shun art that challenges me, I should hope.

 It was a bootless labor to scamper away, I wot, that I couldn't not look, or even if I could not look, they I could not "not see".

I was made to see.

Then there was the melancholy song of the wolf spider in the evening redness.

I walked through the grocery, a monster, none of them knowing what springs were wound inside me(kidding here).  Up on the down side, down on the up side, and generally noticed that there was a sort of symmetry across the headlines, a death of one of Dr King's organizer friends, and then Tom Coburn kicking the bucket, too.  The balance must be restored, I wotted on that too, feeling that spring within move and groan under its stress.

But to say I couldn't turn away, it was a panorama, that.

What, so now I'm shunning art?  Turning away from murals that challenge me?  Why, this would not be the good blogging, the right stuff, if I gave it a toss-aside name including the world "ramble" "rambling" or "ramblings" like some of my friends.

Nay, I differentiate.  A preferred indifferent, an accusatory finger, the finger of scorn.  Stumbling and stammering about the basement rooms, I am, thinking on what kind of good blogging I can toss into the system.

I couldn't not "un-see".

I was made to see.

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"vapid certitude", Boxey and Odetta, and the Jazz Workshop album.

Could it be, Lucillus, that idleness is the mother of invention?  And all our courage is really but the vapid certitude of an empty brain? I...