Saturday, March 14, 2020

The Decline and Fall of Western Civilization(folio the first)

Dennis Hopper(Lefty Enwright) was a'sangin' in the catacombs:  
"Lord of the Harvest....."

"....comes the time of reaping...."

"....I will come rejoicing!......"

"Must be one of our competitors, come to eff us up" said Jim.  "That health food bunch, or them sissies at Del Mar."

Enter Dennis Hopper.

"Boys, boys, boys.  You shouldn't never been doing this."

Jim: "How much are they payin' ya?  I'll triple it!  Cash money!"

 The sun was blotted-out, dead-like, during the truck series event.  I looked out the window, and could see sunlight here, but my familiar said it must be like an eclipse over there or something.

Kyle Busch won and collected the checkered flag.

"Its surely the end times" I said.  "There will be many signs: the stars cast down from the heavens, Tom Hanks reduced to communicating via his old movie dialogue, and yet many false prophets.  The Trump Twitter account."

Behold, the Fifth Seal was opened, and there was much smoke, and then there was the most famous citizen of Wasilla Alaska.

And hell followed with her.  There was then much sack cloth and ashes, gnashing of teeth.

A society that had at once bemoaned virtualization or the digitizing of social interaction, began to recommend something called "social distancing", meaning only certain pre-selected persons would be admitted to eat moose stew.  We would become reduced to a New York City kind of reality, where we don't make eye contact with people, nor give any other sign, not a grunt or a groan.  Car dealers would petition for a bail-out because of a slump in sales thanks to the deal-making handshake being discouraged.

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"vapid certitude", Boxey and Odetta, and the Jazz Workshop album.

Could it be, Lucillus, that idleness is the mother of invention?  And all our courage is really but the vapid certitude of an empty brain? I...