Tuesday, May 19, 2020

a donut butt-cushion for the congressman or "fix my road, milkies, RTFM".

Congress wasting time while America crumbles, and still they talk of crumbling infrastructure.  I even remember former Charlotte mayor Anthony Fox tasked by the Obama administration, and then a news black-out, as they fell into inactivity.  It occurs now that "crumbling infrastructure" might be their code for building new pet projects, like the Kennedy Center, instead of what a lot of Americans think of:


Again, folks, that's not what they're talking about.

A leisurely week of meetings before even considering a new bill.  The "omnibus mentality" of sticking in pet projects in the overall package, instead of being more single-issue about the whole thing.  And yet there was a one-off SBA loan bill for small businesses.

They all, the GOP, sat back while Democrats crafted their own bill, sat back for political purposes, knowing the Dem bill was something that would be silly and unpalatable for mainstream America.  So the GOP hung back and waited, spending precious time, with millions more filing for unemployment, playing the political game.  Meanwhile, Mitch did get that priceless moment of the Dems having egg on their face, while millions in need begin to further tighten their fiscal belts.

The Flynn distraction taking center stage, and then the IG firing, while Mitch picks out a few wishlist items to put in a new bill, and then doubtless, another week, with America still on fire, while the American Congress finds grounds for agreement.

Meanwhile, the folks still clamoring, re-openings or no re-openings, waiting for relief, and meanwhile media hatred and his own 9-11 block on Fox pushing him into taking heart attack pills to ward off Coronavirus.  Lorie was saying something about giving people positive news, and I'm like, "when did that start?".  Usually they just counter the media, which is a dangerous, sometimes misleading, but always confused strategy for a television program on a news network.

But at least they don't have to pretend to like Don Lemon.

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