Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Modernist Oasis on the Soapy Sands

I was playing some clone of Prince of Persia, Prince of Egypt or some crap.  So pedestrian I even forgot the name, an Android port of a bad console rip-off from some unscrupulous developer/publisher combo "wildcatter" who wears all the hats, then in turn is owed all the profits, save what the Frugal Pleigh Store takes for itself.

I really felt it, right in my gut, you know?  Even though there was a lot of old static polygons, with bushes and other fauna that are 2D like street signs or something, I was really getting the atmosphere of the whole thing, really taking it in.

There was a desert.  Beautiful sky, but the sand grains weren't so great.  Just a swath of color, no wind effects or anything.  Like they always do the optical glare "doubling" effect, like of a corona, a regular Corona Borealis.

I was in that desert, on my dromedary, porking him along, even though my character was soundly fatigued.  When, wouldn't you know, but an oasis: but not a spit of water and glorious shade from palm trees, but instead a Whirlpool refrigerator, sitting right out there in the desert.

I got the dromedary to kneel so I could climb-off onto the damnable sand, and approaching the fridge, I could sweat around the door moldings.

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