Friday, August 28, 2020

Andrea Y


Yeah.  I stayed away from Fox coverage of the RNC, especially after I saw them ignoring the DNC during some programming blocks.  So I went to MSDNC and CNN, alternating between them, then looking to CBS blurbs earlier in the day.  I was surprised that, even though MSNBC is supposed to be the only really "bent" network, they all seemed to agree, as working from a common phrasing.

Well.  "A dark vision of America" and you know what the dark vision was?  The GOP describing the effects of a liberal agenda on America, what their competitors allied with the DNC have brought off, or are still actively trying to bring off.

Anyway.  I was unimpressed was the lack of substance in the MSM coverage.  Or Maddow playing linguistics in the coverage opening, probably wishing she were somewhere else, like working at delivering slices at a skating rink or bowling alley, anything but having to watch videos of the GOP.

Anyway.  Andrea Noone was butt-hurting, even bringing a guest complaining about the attendees at the White House not wearing masks or social distancing.  Knowing she just doesn't jibe with those conservatives, anyway.  Then the left turn.  Before her hour was up, live coverage of the March On Washington, with a bunch of mask wearing but closely bunched(not socially distancing) persons on the National Mall.  And I'm thinking.  Trump's irresponsible attendees made her show, even necessitated a guest to talk about the irresponsible behavior in the age of the pandemic.

But not a peep about the big blob of people up the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.  Because it didn't jibe with talking points?  Or didn't fit a pre-programmed narrative?  

Anyway.  The speech at the apex of the march was by MLK III, and he blew the lid off, making an impassioned plea for peace, saying that we should all consider our communities, and really, that not exactly just wagging fingers at the protestors, but including everyone, even the machine gun toting vigilantes that are out for target practice.

Indeed, non-violence applies to everyone, from MSNBC to Fox Nudes, to even Trump and the rest of the Executive Branch(yes the police are in there somewhere, too).

1 comment:

"dissapointing when they understood, and frustrating them the many times they didn't...."

Solidity of our convictions, the loud snores of our conscience--the courage of our computations, as it were--what is anyone, anyway?  I watc...