Sunday, August 2, 2020

Keith Lambert marching in protest of Operation Overlord.

I got some doubloons for rescuing the princess.

That was okay.

But then, on the way home, I was trying to take the gold foil wrapper off the chotlets, thinking thems was some good old chotlet medallions underneath.  Inevitably, after I berated some Mexicans along the roadside, I returned to myself and came home, having realized I was none the worse.

Of course, I could also use the gold doubloons to purchase the chotlet medallions I thought I already had.

Look what the universe did to me.

A friend was talking to me about "the truth" on various world events, big stuff.  And in a conversation like that, you don't just spit out the strange truth in a sentence or two, but lay kind of a groundwork of the whole thing.

I side-stepped talking about Coronavirus.

I went directly into the 9/11 story.  Where it came from, why, but I didn't bring the whole thing, not like the real why of the date, or the justification of the two wars.  Basically that's because there is yet another project of mine, basically like another lens, a cypher for viewing so much of the outward stuff.

And I'm working that project very slowly, and also today I hear about, underlined, how some rather dubious scholars filter history through the prism of current events, like how the biography of Shakespeare chafe's Nixon's ass about the "Vietnamization" of that conflict.

Of course, then there was the time that I found Operation Desert Storm in the Bible.

Good times.

And then, Operation Overlord.  But is Covid 19 in the Bible?  Surely its a widespread enough phenomenon to catch a futurists attention and properly beguile a prophet, but what of 1918?  The Bubonic Plague?  

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"dissapointing when they understood, and frustrating them the many times they didn't...."

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