Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Less Wrong, More Mom. From the bosom of Cleveland.

A good exit leaves behind some provocative questions, and any return, be it to the CBS morning show or a friendly Fox program, brooks not even a question that could bear anything near an answer to the aforementioned mysteries.

Kathy-Anne Hardesty Enwright.  In a catatonic stupor.  What Catholic principles does Trump disagree with?  Back when I worked at the abortion clinic, I used to be a very convinced fore-flusher, but then I saw a fetus struggling consciously with the procedure, and then

it fought back.

Outside, my tires had been slashed.  Eggs all over my car.  He even took a poo on the dashboard.

The Little Cheever.

I left to latch on to Megyn's star.  To help her on her quest to sell face creme.  I had some concerns, but she addressed them all, one-by-one, and agreed on a good salary for my efforts.  It's like, "it even helped this one.  You know it'll get you a hot-tub invite."

Vanity of vanities.  All is vanity.  I was the tire and oil man at Rockingham.  I had around me eight committed fools, each at the ready.  Times two Darrells.  Times two Kevins.  Akamiel the Wizard, with his jawbreakers and Milky Way bars.

Only one Doug.

Butlermilk biscuit.  And you know, you can make a butlermikl substitute by putting vinegar into straight mikl.


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