Tuesday, September 29, 2020

a down payment on a "new-to-you" Earth.


A solitary figure, at once inter-connected, by hearing the echo of his own thoughts, in contemplation of universe that can seem so profoundly simple, but with so much hidden from us.  And we are told the Gospel is as a mystery, the meek inheriting the Earth.  The conundrum is at once so simple as to break us in its complexity: the Gordian Knot.

Asleep in darkness, awakened in darkness, but to know the light: to reach for it.  To feel the early morning air, close and humid on a day with 80% rain chance, and to hear only the slight rustling of cats on the lawn.  The universe whispers: "you are alive."  "He is light, and in him is no darkness."  Yet the darkness divides the day, and the day destroys the night.  Musaka and Corgano, on the daily cycle, chasing each other across the universe.

And then, how do you ask do the meek inherit the earth?  At first a down payment, in the form of the lions lying down for the lamb, or in other words, we bend to approach them and ease suffering: something we can only do in peace and compassion.  Sacrificial love.

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