Tuesday, September 15, 2020

"I have known beauty" or Hah ewe during?

 Of what pride the exasperated, spent, willow of the wood?

Some would drink it all away within three days or less.

A whisper of a hummingbird, or a butterfly, dare to light,

even with the perspiring daydream boggle that there may be life there yet?

A lady and a boy, reading on the moist cool ground beneath.

The continual "shush" of a distant stream,

just white noise, only that, a sustained murmur from the distance.

That little excrement,

Death having a coughing fit in the summer air;

Did they marble his name, even?

And she had lost her leg, a wooden one given by the state in recompense.

"Practice your clerical with the school kids" they told her in a letter.

And she was so lovely, her hips turbulent as she crossed the floor.

I would go to the willow myself, and marvel and the gray hairs of the thing.

I would marvel, and skin cells on my body would be dying all the while,

breath in, breath out, chest drumbeating and the gray hairs barely kissing at my fingertips.

And I was thinking to myself, still feeling kind of sullen,

"I have known beauty."

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