Tuesday, October 6, 2020

On a day where I polished my instrument in the open air.

#CLT customer and "regional local" channel victim.

Charlotte, where was once, a blue train, a road builder that didn't build roads, rumors of interstate highways, and people riding on public transport that the city couldn't pay for.

Some bullsh*t about a soccer team they couldn't afford, just to go "up yours" on a giant abandoned property.  And abandoned property I know, because this is where the Lost walk, and sometimes, I do, in fact, walk with the Lost, just like the Lord sat with the publicans and sinners, hoping to gain their trust and teach them something.

He came not to heal the healthy, but to kill on some sin, whip it, but good.

And we have that realization, "There Is Suffering", and we probe not yet, but brush over the tendencies, expectancies, watch Shep(of course), The Cavoot, talking about "them boys", "yall need to-".  These pretzels are making me thirsty, and here I was weeks from a vulgar display.

Kind of scuz on the surface of the nonesuch and the whatwith, we do not penetrate the matter in the first juncture, but save those learnings for further meditation sessions.  "where does suffering come from?" you might ask, but you've leapfrogged a step in that.  There is a clear definition and identification phase, where the matter are duly catalogued, and in queque is the whole list, you know?


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