Saturday, December 19, 2020

From the rapid prototyping lab: "throw your hands in the sky; wave 'em from side to side."

I was in a good headspace.  as they say, "don't know 'bout you".  But I was in a good headspace.  I required next to nothing from the universe, and I was like, the marginally sane version of a light bulb, generating across my limited spectrum, photons and magnetism, bathing the world in a rather pleasant, if not altogether aimless, light.

Geared toward wellness, mayhap, and a positive mindset.  As Verne Gagne said, "life is a journey, A to B".  In that, sometimes one must just appreciate the journey.  No, Cheever?  I mean, to enjoy the phenomenon and not become ass-hurt over such nominative ride-overs, fly-overs, and other pointers, markers, substitutive iconography.

I know Joe said something nice.  And Donald was quiet for a while.  Maybe Donald was taking notes, or something.  Still, had to be somewhat away from that to maintain perspective and get some positivity.

But do you not, enjoy the A to B, or is it all Utilitarian modus?

We should instead focus our instrumentation on the straight ahead future, and latch onto that with our unction, causing improvements in our own state, rather than mucking with the timestream, trying to upend the continuum.  

Lest we not forget the downside, that all that time experimenting was just that, quite experimental, and no force of any kind of guarantee, no certainty, of given results.

But I was thinking of John Bell's entanglement experiment from some decades ago, and how he had a single source as his origination, and was measuring, via filters, "quantum states".  Well, my thought was that the transmission of the laser was the same in his experiment, therefore the experiment was like tuning two radios to the same station, then acting surprised when each played the same song.

But then later, in a radio telescope set-up there were dual quarks.  These were measure, but I again, I'm thinking, despite the light travelling billions of years, there would be of course measurable similarities between the broadcast.  

Same kind of discharge, in other words.  But we note that the measurement is on a particle level, and thats where their vaguery about particle dimensions confuses everyone into giving them research funding.


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