Tuesday, April 21, 2020

storyline, schmoryline: mysterio's sprained finger kayfabe

Truly, not Mysterio's finest hour as a performer to be manhandled while he's "incapacitated" due to a sprained finger.  Meanwhile, professional play-by-play putting over the work.

"But it hurts like hell", you might say.  Well give that man a Tylenol, and this desultory work of storyline after Jim Ross observing a kick to the leg could "cause a Charlie Horse".  I'm thinking all the while, "a Charlie Horse means he's defenseless", because, Lord have mercy, its uncomfortable.

 They'll probably call it the "Intensity Era" or something.

Let's hope Rey recovers and gets back to his usual 110%.  But seriously, I just thought it was, kind of funny, and probably brave.  And here I'm kind of jeering and nay-saying, but maybe I did miss how truly brave that was, and not seeing them push the bleeding edge of sports entertainment.

But I'll say this.  Bum storyline or not, Rey is always near the top of the game, and he has been for decades now, even since before he was in the ring in gimmick matches against the physically largest guys in the biz, like Paul Wight(another favorite here).

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