Saturday, May 2, 2020

America: "ya got me goin' in circles...."

The republic marches boldly forward to some unforeseen end.

Meanwhile, unto the youngling nation perched upon the old Mother Earth, so much of the little things are taken for granted, let fall aside and fade until finally, forlornly, disappearing into the dust.  But how long then, until something grasps our attention and shakes us from the two-part delusion?

The republic and its split-personality, to speak ever forward and backwards, commentators stating, "from the left this" or "from the right that", as Faulkner said, "a heart working against itself" as if to frustrate its own most deeply held wishes.

This is America.  Three Spring Darlingtons, and Nascar, if not soundly at home playing video games, is at least, "nearby".  Awakening with a new spirit that looks sort of like the old spirit, and I saw some time ago, a giant old Winston Cup signboard at North Carolina Motor Speedway in Rockingham/Gibson, NC.

America come roaring back, but with some unknowns, like how long until "herd immunity", and how many phantom plague carriers were infected but symptom-free during the outbreak: I honestly wonder.  But be it IRacing or the real thing, I do enjoy four wheel motorsports.

48's hiccups makes me interested to see the next shoe drop, his next moves, being among the royalty already of auto racing, and still an active competitor.  And there was Mario Andretti on a telecast, and Clint Bowyer generally having a good time, even if he did blow the engine up a few times.  Just racing real hard, "in anger" as the F1 boys might say, and regardless of his status in the race, Bowyer is endlessly entertaining.

And New York shifted gears from begging for supplies to shipping excess supplies to other states, as of a binary position of whether to curse the administration or to not mention them at all.  And more of the heart working against itself, Andrew appearing cranky in press conferences, working from bullet points, then somewhere its noted that he's an eligible bachelor.

He's playing hard to get ladies.  Acting like he's comfortable being alone.  A facade from the practiced politician.  Meanwhile, Sean is having love problems, but what is said, better to have love and shot her in the hind-end rather than never to have loved at all.  But is that to imply Andrew never loved?  God forbid.  Life is twists and turns, you know?  Stuff happens.  As a chum of mine says, "life intervenes", which is said like, "well that's fine and good, BUT".

And then, like a slap in the face, a broken kneecap, or a dash of cold water:  "life intervenes."

Dribs and drabs of Covid19 infections in my locality.  There was a spike recently, leaving me to wonder what happened.  Seems like there might be some instances of difficult to trace symptom-free carriers.  And I have a suspicion that the height of the spike was a cluster from a similar location, so I'll be watching local media closely in the coming days for word.

There was said to be one carrier spreading the infection around Kershaw County a few weeks back, where the difference was something like 4 infections in Chesterfield County and like 28 or 43 infections in Kershaw County at the same time.  And it was rumored that State DHEC was on the hunt for that one Kershaw County carrier, but of course, there were other concerns to attend to at the same time with the same pool of resources.

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"dissapointing when they understood, and frustrating them the many times they didn't...."

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