Monday, June 1, 2020

"The answer to all questions" creates a more interesting question of its own.

As I score cookie points with all my clever compliments and stuff, ("little, yellow, different."), and after talking about "the answer to all questions", like a "super thread" which pertains to literally everything, a string both effected and affecting the course.

I ask, amid all these concerns, the nuts and bolts stuff, another big question.

Did someone or something travel time?

Let me explain.  I'm not talking about predicting the future, because really, the future is all storyline, some of which has already been written, but did something like a stray piece of something get sent back?

I've wondered, having looked at culture, but then I think to myself, through a certain prism, that we are observing the same old paradigm, something to which people nod and bow, as "but poor players on a stage".

I continue to look at this idea, through various sources, keeping it always in mind as I go about other business.

Amazing stuff.  Eat your heart out Freemasons and Cloverfield Group.  Like some future Martha Stewart giving lifestyle advice to the world at large, but unwittingly so, as of an artifact, some dust-covered, discarded thing.  A "Dead Sea Scroll" or a "Nag-Hammadi" find, which gets stuck to as if it were covered in glue.

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"dissapointing when they understood, and frustrating them the many times they didn't...."

Solidity of our convictions, the loud snores of our conscience--the courage of our computations, as it were--what is anyone, anyway?  I watc...