Monday, June 1, 2020

Day of the Dollphregnd.

I tried to kick caffeine over the weekend, and was met with headaches and sinus misery.  I think my system, become so water-logged, made the old phregnd come a'streaming out amidst some swelling and aching.

Check out these dana points regarding Job:

Multiple dana points, this time, mi rasa.  Yeah buddy.

His skin was like, bad.

House fell in on his kids.

Lost his farm.

But I ask you, did he lose his salvation, or did he retain his faith?  And here I ask as if faith were salvation.  Though, as James notes, even the demons in hell believe and god and "do tremble".  Works is the residue of faith, a tangible evidence of faith for the benefit of other people's judgement, even though they aren't supposed to be judging nary a jot.

Every ounce of turmoil I get is like, another load of bricks piled onto the weight of my testimony.  Which is becoming quite heavy-almost unbearably so.  "I've suffered".  So you had to wait over 20 minutes for your pizza, Cheever.  Don't get all Greek about it and think you have suffered indignity for the good of the republic.

'Scuses whilst I drank of this Diet Choke-a-Cola.

Old George just lay there, having complained about his own lack of his oxygen, but then, knowing his complaints did no good, just lay there, resigned to be choked on the hot pavement.

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"dissapointing when they understood, and frustrating them the many times they didn't...."

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