Friday, June 19, 2020

How Mike Bettis Brought Down the Republic.

The damn progressive Obama pushed against what he perceived to be injustices, observing what he termed as "beer diplomacy", but how applicable is that across the prejudices?

For instance, there were some experiments last century, before the APA passed updated ethical guidelines, and some of those experiments involved ethnic and racial differences.  Six babies of other races(white, black, brown, red and yellow) where used as a control group against a group of meteorologist babies.  The babies were placed in a room, in their carriers, with an apple.  The control group babies were eventually curious about the apple, and most of them even picked it up and looked at it, with a few seeming to smell the apple, and even some gave licks.

But the weatherperson, babies?  You know what they did?  I mean, even from birth!

The meteorologists babies waited for the scientist to look away, then reached for the apple, each trying to hide the fruit under their swaddling.

Once, me and my buddies were weekending, driving around in Kershaw County.  We were surprised to see a weatherperson with the nerve to walk down the street beside a WHITE WOMAN!  Can you believe that?  But we showed that weatherperson the error of its ways.  We grabbed the loathsome creature, dangling against the roadway from the bed of the truck, and we dragged the thing for several miles.

And we know a weatherperson will lay up with a white woman.

I mean, meteorologists smell funny, and they're not as smart or ethically superior like babies of others races.  That's why they put meteorologists in special classes.

And mostly they just go on and on about the weather, and their own kind, you know?  It's like a waste even being around them.

What I would do is get a horse worthy enough to be called Traveler and ride that up to the Weather Channel headquarter's door, with a burning torch in my hand, and in chalk, I would write on the walk, "get the hell out my country!!!  RTFM!"

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