Sunday, October 11, 2020

Politics. You Decide. 2020.

 The evangelicals are hastening to make it a one-issue question, and that issue is abortion.  Weeks of sermons, pre-election are coming down to the immorality of abortion, and I wonder, truly, with hammer-headed clergy pounding the message, will the church be healthy going forward?

Or will churches be places filled with people who clench on their buttcheeks in the polling booth, then spend seasons grimacing over Trump tweets?  And meanwhile the activist media openly complaining, endlessly musing about how much they dislike the man.

The problem, as I've seen since 2016, is hardly policy, but messaging.

The country was on an upswing prior to Covid 10, and yes, that upswing began just prior to Election 2016.  Yet, professional pundits, paid by the media, make it a point to give their various polemics tagging either Trump or Obama.  A pre-programmed agenda that doesn't edify.

Meanwhile, we've seen Nationalism made White Nationalism, as jobs return to the homefront, the stock market booming, and then Covid 19.

Which Biden called, "the Trump Recession", reminding me of Clinton trying to bludgeon Bush 41 over the Hurricane Andrew response.  Completely opportunistic.

Meanwhile, there is the talk radio world, where listeners here the evils of Schumer and Pelosi, ad nauseum, and those same listeners probably only knowing the names of two or three Republicans, maybe those listeners aren't even registered to vote, either.  One I spoke to actually supports abortion rights, but if you use the Limbaugh terminology, they would claim differently.  And all that butthurt, for the name of entertainment.

People not thinking independently, people thinking the angry voices are speaking the truth, instead of shooting poison venom into the body.

The evangelicals cringe at Trump, the man, and his completely venomous Twitter account.  No matter how many millions follow that Twitter account, its entirely a failure of messaging on Trump's part, with no clear desire to reach out to anyone for any reason, save for his foreign deal making.  And that deal making is nothing if not a feather in the cap of the POTUS, to be fair.

And then we know, the much calmer Joe Biden would push globalism, and cause economic pain, massive job losses through over-regulation and higher taxes.

Meanwhile, aren't we worried on the local front about business deals that cheat workers in the name of inflating job numbers?  These "tax breaks" given to businesses.  The cost is recouped through the payroll taxes and income taxes, no?  So the Little Man pays.

And in Chesterfield County, an entire industrial center made on once useful farmland.  Taxpayer financing of all the costs, the obligatory shell building, and the local media too awed by the whole thing, trumpeting progress, to notice the taxpayer was being screwed, where probably the real problem was financing of a new business venture by the private sector.

How about Trump policy without his evil rhetoric?

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