Wednesday, November 11, 2020

On putting my pinkie finger in America's buttcrack.

 "Only political theater"(Harris, and Martha) some said on "the bad" news network(the one I'll never watch anymore).  Theater?  And it cost me a 600 dollar penalty on my taxes for 8 years, what some there insisted was "theater".  Never did get me health insurance, like Obama and Pelosi and some others said it would.  In fact, my and others 600 dollar penalty would fund a Medicare expansion, even while we penalty-payers didn't qualify for that "expanded Medicare".

And that was by design.  But I remember one near and dear saying, "Obama got Mike Morris health insurance!", and I wondered if he was too stupid to know any better(Anderson, Chris and Don).

Was it Ted Kennedy's dying wish to make millions of people pay a penalty on their taxes for not having health insurance?  Did Anderson and Don and Campbell Brown understand that it still meant plenty of those people would not have health insurance at all?

Consider it then, a final curse, a stain on the legacy of Painless Ted.  That Obamacare.

To them, too, it was all theater.  Their earnestness, designed to cut against some opponent.

Donald, the Trojan Horse sent by the elite to destroy the GOP?  Setting the GOP back for decades after the bad aftertaste of him has been washed from conservative mouths.  Think of it clearly, because Donald has drawn in so many just to ruin their careers.  I think of John Bolton in particularly.  And Guiliani, who we once assumed knew better?

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