Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Il Monstro, rural fare, gnostic speculations and contemplations.

What was it?  What was that?  I went from "Better Together" to the self-help book, "The Alone Advantage".  Bentonville and the man coming doing the mountain.

From the perspectives, dueling optimism and pessimism, one is either kaput or doing well either way--abased or abounding--with or without donations from the faithful.



Then trumping and stumping down the mountain, Abiyoyo, or something, Chupacadabra, disrupting and scattering the larkspurs and katydids like so many stray fronds of the common roadside volunteer foliage.

He was saying, "blessed are the sleepy", and somewhere above all that, the truth crept oh so close to the lips, whatever passed for the truth when was in the throes of a sort of personal indistinction.  "And if you found he had a brother, it would be like coming across a pair of shoes in a trash can."

He was hungry, first thing off the mountain, a bit of cheese grits and dried sausage maybe.  "Was the toast and cheese grits good?"  "Uhm, blessed are the sleepy."  Billy Butler, Neftali Feliz, Fausto Carmona, Taco Bill Weatherly.  A base-knock, and so forth, for the stats, for the team, for even the larger conquest of the game, and the 162 regular season outings.

We can learn such lessons from these Cheevers, these everyday things, as of the broadcasting of the mustard seed, some falls on mentally fertile ground and takes hold, coming to thrive, the gnostic message, I suppose, an admitted heresy for one to take note of his or her own thoughts.

Repentence itself was not the abject and outright denying of sin, but the renewing of the mind, literally "changing your mind", so could not the psychological model be a perfectly valid lens of interpretation?

They were doing a user survey over just south of Bentonville, and they tried to wrangle me, "caterwaul the truth, sir", but I didn't, not having enough of a frame of reference, "pits, stretch marks, and privates" and all.  And its all a thing, no matter one's knowledge base or whatever, his or her own frame of reference, and I was thinking that purely the truth comes across that some things are just not my problem, not at all, nary a jot nor a tittle.

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"vapid certitude", Boxey and Odetta, and the Jazz Workshop album.

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