Friday, July 24, 2020

Legend of the One Punch Knockout:CLT Edition/Death Becomes Caroline Hicks.(From the "WBTV and Me" file)

I was literally, like hiding, on the other side of the bed, peeking out to see, if by some small token of mercy, the danger would pass.  Johnathan would have to throw holy water on that bitch, maybe, God being our last line of defense, in a faith that was badly shaken, but mercifully still there as some small comfort.

And I'm thinking.  She can't bite me with her Covid Halloween mask on.  Thank God for small favors.  But I'm still, staying my ass on the other side of this bed, furniture between me and her.

But all this year, Maureen has looked particularly healthy and happy, and I'm wondering if there was some change in her life, like marrying a top law enforcement officer, or exercising, or going gluten-free.  When someone presents news the ways she does, its a more pleasant experience, no matter the subject matter of the actual stories.

I'm thinking, what a general air of positivity about her work.

And what will Tyson look like when he next he hits the squared circle? (left uppercut, then right uppercut, followed by left hook, right cross)

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